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Professional Events

National Conference

Take part in the biggest SHPE event in the nation! Our SHPE National Conference is a grand event where all the chapters in the nation get together for a series of days filled with networking and professional events. Additionally, there are competitions you can be a part of, as well as an awards ceremony.

Company Visits

Here at the University of Michigan, it is not uncommon to see such amazing work being done in collaboration with incredible companies. Our chapter seeks to grow the professional network for both the company and the student. With these presentations, we seek to inform students of the grand opportunities with companies, as well as expose our talented members to these same companies.

Winter Career Fair

Join us at The Winter Engineering Career Fair that is hosted by the Engineering Career Resource Center. This event is intended for organizations looking to recruit a wide variety of engineering, computer science and data science students for full-time, internship and co-op positions.

LinkedIn Workshop

LinkedIn is a social network that helps people build professionally through networking and finding jobs and other opportunities. Our LinkedIn workshop walks SHPE members through the process of creating a profile, connecting with our existing  SHPE U of M network, and understanding how to navigate your LinkedIn account!​

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